Sources & Thanks

My name is Brock Haussamen. I taught English at Raritan Valley Community College in New Jersey for many years. Since retiring, I’ve been writing versions of the essays here, helping with social agencies and political efforts, and staying connected with friends and family.

For sources and readings related to the essays, particular books and articles are mentioned in context. In general, though, many works by Stephen Pinker, E.O. Wilson, Charles Darwin, Richard Dawkins, Neil Shubin, Ursula Goodenough, and Carl Sagan are readable and exciting for those who, like me, want to think about connections between evolution and our complicated bodies, moods, thoughts, and social lives.

The Spiritual Naturalist Society offers articles by many authors as well as opportunities to write on the subject and to communicate with other members. I’m grateful to Executive Director Daniel Strain for publishing many of my blogs on SNS and to Thomas Schenk for the editing. Both Daniel and Thomas also write thought-provoking essays for the Society.

I thank the many readers who followed my blog over the years, checked in regularly, commented often, and taught me much. And extra thanks to Kelsey Jordan of KDGMedia for converting the blog into this new site.